3dtente Wiki

Installing LeoCad[]

LeoCad is a software to make 3D tente models. It works similar to MLCad and it's a good idea install both programs. Leocad runs under GNU/Linux, MacOS and Windows.

What we need?[]


  • Run LeoCAD.
  • To load the catalogue of pieces miscat.lcf select -> Pieces Library Manager -> Open.
  • Select File -> Save.
  • Close and open LeoCAD and changes will be effective.
  • If you see 3D tente categories but you can select for seeing pieces do this: copy pieces.bin and pieces.idx from leocad subfolder in LDrawTente_Ultima.zip file to folder where we've just install LeoCAD (this erase lego set of pieces, so you might copy in another place to keep them previously)



Or compile it yourself:

  1. Install git and the necessary libraries to compile QT code:
    sudo apt-get install git libqt5-dev zlib1g-dev
  2. Download the latest version of LeoCAD code in $HOME
    cd $HOME
    git clone https://github.com/leozide/leocad.git
  3. Select the leocad folder, compile and setup:
    cd leocad
    qmake leocad.pro
    sudo make install 
  4. Note the path of the parts library to run the software (we suppose you download Tente 3D pieces library  to $HOME):
    leocad -l /opt/ldraw/tente/
  5. Create a new text file with the Tente's categories, import this file with the options menu: View ► Preferences ► Categories ► Import

Tente - Jacenas=jacena

Tente - Baldosas placas=baldosa|placa Tente - Basico=:B Tente - Aire=:A Tente - Alpha=:F Tente - Escorpion=:E Tente - Mar=:M Tente - Micro=:C Tente - Ruta=:R Tente - Titanium=:T Tente - Ventanas=ventanas|marco|cristal Tente - Vehiculos=:V Tente - Etiquetas=etiqueta|etiquetas|EtiquetaTente Tente - Castillos=:X Tente - Ruedas=rueda | ( eje & !bisagra ) | ( agujero & !enganche & !baldosa )
