3dtente Wiki

Installing LeoCad

LeoCad is a software to make 3D tente models. It works similar to MLCad and it's a good idea install both programs. Leocad runs under Windows or GNU/Linux.

What need us?


  • Run LeoCAD.
  • To load the catalogue of pieces miscat.lcf select -> Pieces Library Manager -> Open.
  • Select File -> Save.
  • Close and open LeoCAD and changes will be effective.
  • If you see 3D tente categories but you can select for seeing pieces do this: copy pieces.bin and pieces.idx from leocad subfolder in LDrawTente_Ultima.zip file to folder where we've just install LeoCAD (this erase lego set of pieces, so you might copy in another place to keep them previously)



  1. Install subversion and the necessary libraries to compile QT code:
    sudo apt-get install subversion libqt4-dev zlib1g-dev
  2. Download the latest version of LeoCAD code in $HOME
    cd $HOME
    svn co http://svn.leocad.org/trunk leocad
  3. Select the leocad folder, compile and setup:
    cd leocad
    qmake leocad.pro
    sudo make install 
  4. Note the path of the parts library to run the software (we suppose you download Tente 3D pieces libraty  to $HOME):
    leocad -l /opt/ldraw/tente/
  5. Create a new text file with the Tente's categories, import this file with the options menu: View ► Preferences ► Categories ► Import

Tente - Jacenas=jacena

Tente - Baldosas placas=baldosa | placa

Tente - Basico=|B

Tente - Aire=|A

Tente - Alpha=|F

Tente - Escorpion=|E

Tente - Mar=|M

Tente - Micro=|C

Tente - Ruta=|R

Tente - Titanium=|T

Tente - Ventanas=ventanas|marco|cristal

Tente - Vehiculos=|V 

Tente - Etiquetas=EtiquetaTente - Dark=|D

Tente - Castillos=:X

Tente - Ruedas=rueda | ( eje & !bisagra ) | ( agujero & !enganche & !baldosa )
